Bérénice Batut
Favourite Topics
Favourite Formats
The following list includes only slides and tutorials where the individual has been added to the contributor list. This may not include the sum total of their contributions to the training materials (e.g. GTN css or design, tutorial datasets, workflow development, etc.) unless described by a news post.
GitHub Activity
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / From peaks to genes
- Ecology / Species distribution modeling
- Ecology / Regional GAM
- Using Galaxy and Managing your Data / RStudio in Galaxy
- Foundations of Data Science / R basics in Galaxy 📝
- Foundations of Data Science / Advanced R in Galaxy
- Metagenomics / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (short)
- Metagenomics / Analyses of metagenomics data - The global picture
- Metagenomics / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data (short)
- Metagenomics / 16S Microbial Analysis with mothur (extended)
- Metagenomics / Metatranscriptomics analysis using microbiome RNA-seq data
- Statistics and machine learning / Machine learning: classification and regression
- Transcriptomics / RNA Seq Counts to Viz in R
- Transcriptomics / Reference-based RNA-Seq data analysis
- Transcriptomics / Pre-processing of Single-Cell RNA Data
- Transcriptomics / CLIP-Seq data analysis from pre-processing to motif detection
- Transcriptomics / Clustering 3K PBMCs with Scanpy
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Running the GTN website locally
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing with GitHub via its interface
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Including a new topic ✍️
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating a new tutorial
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Tools, Data, and Workflows for tutorials
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating content in Markdown ✍️
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing with GitHub via command-line
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating Interactive Galaxy Tours
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Generating PDF artefacts of the website
- Epigenetics / Identification of the binding sites of the Estrogen receptor
- Epigenetics / Formation of the Super-Structures on the Inactive X
- Development in Galaxy / Data source integration
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Organizing a workshop
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Set up a Galaxy for Training
- Teaching and Hosting Galaxy training / Running a workshop as instructor
- Sequence analysis / Mapping
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control
- Genome Annotation / Essential genes detection with Transposon insertion sequencing
- Variant Analysis / Mutation calling, viral genome reconstruction and lineage/clade assignment from SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data
- Variant Analysis / Exome sequencing data analysis for diagnosing a genetic disease
- Epigenetics / Introduction to ChIP-Seq data analysis
- Introduction to Galaxy Analyses / Introduction to Galaxy
- Metagenomics / Introduction to metagenomics
- Transcriptomics / Introduction to Transcriptomics
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Overview of the Galaxy Training Material
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy from a developer point of view
- Variant Analysis / Introduction to Variant analysis
- Galaxy Server administration / Docker and Galaxy
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Contributing with GitHub via command-line
- Contributing to the Galaxy Training Material / Creating Slides
- Epigenetics / ChIP-seq data analysis
- Development in Galaxy / Galaxy Interactive Tours
- Development in Galaxy / Tool development and integration into Galaxy
- Development in Galaxy / Tool Shed: sharing Galaxy tools
- Sequence analysis / Quality Control
As part of our work under the Gallantries Grant we are establishing a new topic within the GTN specifically focused on Data Science skills. This topic will include tutorials covering things such as:
Full StoryDo you use Galaxy for Training? Have your say! Please take a few minutes to let us know about your training experiences.
Full StoryAs you have probably already seen, a feedback form is embedded on the bottom of each tutorial.
Full StoryEffectively monitoring global infectious disease crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, requires capacity to generate and analyze large volumes of sequencing data in near real time. These data have proven essential for monitoring the emergence and spread of new variants, and for understanding the evolutionary dynamics of the virus.
Full StorySnippets have received an major overhaul! Snippets/FAQs are small reusable bits of training, often answering a single question. In addition to the general Galaxy snippets, we now also support topic-level and tutorial-level FAQs. This will allow contributors to add common questions and answers to their tutorials, which not only can be included in the tutorial text itself, but are also used to autogenerate an FAQ page for the tutorial or topic listing all common questions (and answers).This will be useful both to participants following tutorials via self-study, and also to instructors preparing for a training event.
Full StoryEvery 3 months we organise one day dedicated to the GTN community! Thursday, May 20th is the next GTN CoFest. We will be working on the training materials, have discussions with the global Galaxy traning community. Do you teach with Galaxy? Want to learn how to add your tutorial to the GTN? New to the community and just want to learn more? Everybody is welcome!
Full Story